Are you interested in becoming an Official LeadsAndStars© Promoter?

We've paid out hundreds in commission to our promoters to date.

Here's Why you should join

We’ve built our entire promoter program with one goal in mind: to make it the easiest and & most profitable program you join.

  • You can earn up to 40% upfront for each new LeadsAndStars© user you sign up...All your commissions are recurring month after month...
  • You get our highest converting assets like: videos, banners, images and email copy that’s designed to help you earn the most commission possible...
  • [VIP Members Only] Network with the top promoters on Facebook...
  • [VIP Members Only] We will work directly with you personally and show you how to maximize your sales with our proven tactics and strategies from previous promotions...

Is This Right For You?

Let us make this easy for you…

To figure out if becoming a LeadsAndStars© Promoter is right for you — simply answer the following two questions.

Question #1: Do you love using LeadsAndStars© ?

Question #2: Do you have an audience that you can market to?

If you answered YES to either of those questions then you should APPLY HERE NOW.

We’ve found that the people that have the most success are the ones that love LeadsAndStars© and have an audience of business owners.

But even if your audience isn’t business owners, you can still see massive success.

And don’t worry because even if your audience is small you can crush it if you’re willing to work hard and use the many high-converting assets that we will provide

Apply Now To Promote & Earn Unbelievable Commissions.

Join The Community TODAY!

Click the Button Below to get started

Frequently Asked Questions

You may find answers to your questions below:

How will i get paid?

Commission fees are paid 30 days after the launch via PayPal. This “grace” period serves as a time to account for—and protect all parties from—refunds.

How Are Orders Tracked and Credited To My Site?

By carefully following the instructions for collecting and placing links from your site to the pages we provide on, you'll enable clear tracking of where each visitor comes from and who makes a purchase.

We employ cookie technology for these purposes; links from your site contain your site's unique source ID.

Every time a user comes to us via your links, we know to credit you when a customer purchase is made.

Do You Have Online Reporting?

Yes. Once you have been accepted into the program, you will be given access to your Promoter Partner Tracking and Reporting Interface.

You will be able to view your earnings and traffic reports at any time. These reports not only show you what you earn, they also track other site performance indicators that will assist you in fine-tuning your participation and maximizing your income potential.

What About Refunds?

If a user requests a refund, or if credit card charges are reversed due to a dispute or credit card fraud, your account will be debited for any commission earned on that transaction.

What Should I Do First?

Determine if this is right for you and then fill out the online application. You will be notified if you are accepted. During the evaluation period, we'll visit your site and make sure it is an appropriate match for the LeadsAndStars© Promoter Program. Upon approval, you will be given detailed instructions on how to log in to your account area, select and place your links. You will have a variety of assets available for use. As soon as we go live, you’ll be able to place your links.

Why Should I Do This?

It's free. You'll make money. You'll have the chance to win amazing prizes. It adds value to your site and encourages repeat visitors. It's easy. You earn commissions and handles all customer service. It really doesn’t get any better than that. Fill out the form below to apply now while there’s still a chance.

How do I join the VIP Promoter Facebook Community?

Once you are accepted into our affiliate program, you will have the option to apply to join our VIP Facebook Community. Only dedicated affiliates are considered.

What are the Affiliate Terms + Conditions?

Promoter terms and conditions can be found here.

Apply Now To Promote & Earn Unbelievable Commissions.

Join The Community TODAY!

Click the Button Below to get started

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